Cheer Our Half Marathon Heroes

This Sunday, the 17th October, head to beautiful Oxford City because the Oxford Half Marathon is happening. Use any mode of transport you like to get there – but get there – because our CROSSROADS heroes, Caroline, Martin, Nick, Stephen and Andrew, are taking part and need your cheers to help power them over the finish line! You can applaud guilt-free because it is all done for a good cause. If you would like to donate, please do so HERE. Join the ROUTE anywhere to watch – and make sure your vocal cords are primed for when you see a runner in a CROSSROADS shirt.

Our runners have been training months for this and would like nothing more than to finish, knowing that all their hard work is appreciated. Why not make it day out? The race starts at 9.30 am and there is a CHEER ZONE with live music and a microphone outside BBC RADIO OXFORD, at 269 BANBURY ROAD. Follow us on TWITTER to stay in touch.

You can meet our runners after the race at the UP IN ARMS pub on Marston road. They will be grateful for your support (and refreshments).

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