Oxfordshire Crossroads Time For Me Project

At Oxfordshire Crossroads, we pride ourselves on delivering support for unpaid carers, offering both direct care in the home, and breaks from caring. Our very own, Time for Me Project, delivers innovative breaks for unpaid Carers, giving support where it is not always possible to give direct care in the home.

Those caring for someone, could choose any activity they wanted us to provide for their break. Some, chose to take a holiday, with or without the person they care for, got to go for a walk in the country, or just rested at home. Others, took up regular classes in swimming, yoga, Japanese drumming, or did a gym workout.

Some caring families, got season passes, to Cotswold Wildlife Park, Blenheim Palace, and Legoland.

Accessing activities, and going out as a family, to do special things together, can make all carers feel, that life has more to offer than just the stresses of daily life.

We supported an amazing 56 unpaid carers, including 14 under 18s, 4 young adult carers, and 19 male carers. Oxfordshire Crossroads, would like to say a big THANKYOU to the Carers Trust, #HRHThePrincessRoyalRespiteTrust and #Communitiescan.

We are looking for further funding, to continue our Time for Me Project.

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