Well Done to Our Abseilers

On Saturday 18th September our dauntless abseilers descended on Oxford from the tower of St Mary Magdalen Church, to publicise the great work of young carers and to commemorate the generous, giving life of Muriel Hunt.

All of our caring superheroes landed gracefully on terra firma, despite some understandable, last moment wobbles (“I looked down a couple of times going down, and then decided it was better not to!” said Thomas Clarkson, catching his breath after completing the challenge.) To see a video of how well they did, please look HERE

A big thank you to all those of you who turned up to cheer on our abseilers, and most of all to our abseiling care commandos: Emma, Katy, Lizzy, Suzanne, Sam, Joe and Tom. Please read more about Muriel Hart’s selfless life and show your support for young carers by donating HERE

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